ithin the project Art of Integration, which is conducted by the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights in cooperation with the Dutch Refugee Council and the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Belgrade, a study visit to the Kingdom of the Netherlands was organized in the period from 27 November to 1 December 2017 with the aim of familiarizing with the system of integration of refugees and asylum seekers into the education system and the labor market.
Representatives of the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights and state institutions – the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, the National Employment Service and the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration participated in the study visit.
On that occasion, they visited the Dutch Refugee Council, the Ministry of Social Affairs, NGOs that assist refugees in their inclusion in the higher education system, the nostrification of diplomas, and the Batavia Primary School for children of migrants and refugees.
Integration of refugees and asylum seekers into the education system and the labor market