According to UNHCR, there were 7720 migrants in Serbia at the end of March 2017, roughly 100 more than the previous month. 85% were accommodated in one of the 17 reception centres in Serbia, most commonly those in Obrenovac, Krnjaca, Adasevci, and Presevo. The rest remains in deserted barracks near the main bus station in Belgrade or at informal gathering places near the Hungarian and Croatian borders.
Data from the Asylum Office show that 707 foreign nationals expressed their intention to seek asylum in Serbia in March, of which 82% was male and 18% female. Most refugees came from three countries, namely Afghanistan (45%), Iraq (20%) and Pakistan (16%). There were 336 children among the asylum seekers, including 6 unaccompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
In March, the Asylum Office registered 21 asylum seekers and 17 individuals who submitted an asylum claim, and conducted 11 interviews with asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Ghana, Guinea, Iraq and Ukraine. In terms of first degree decisions, the Asylum Office rejected the asylum claim of a Somali asylum seeker and dismissed four asylum claims submitted by asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Iran and Syria. In addition, 17 decisions were made that halted the asylum procedures of 24 asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Iraq, Cuba, Pakistan and Syria. Once again, there were no positive decisions this month, leaving the total number of asylums and subsidiary protections granted since 2008 at 41 and 49 respectively.
The Refugee Situation in Serbia in March 2017