21.6.2023. The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights marked World Refugee Day in 2023, under the slogan #SviZaJedno
(#AllTogether), together with our partners, co-workers and clients, wanting to spend the day together in
the spirit of tolerance, peace and understanding and draw attention to everything we share and
everything that brings us together.

At our informal get-together in the Café Bar 16, we promoted the Riding the Rainbow application by
which the users can donate things objects to refugees and thus join the European donor community,
whilst at the same time supporting the refugees’ integration in the local community. This is yet another
opportunity to support refugees, as well as encourage solidarity and create a long-term network of
support to people fleeing war and conflict. More about the application is available here.

The pub quiz we organised was the perfect way to check our knowledge of various areas and familiarise
ourselves with the culture, sports and history of the countries most refugees and asylum seekers we work
and cooperate on a daily basis with hail from, as well as familiarise them with the specificities of our
culture and history. Anyone who wanted to leave a message could do so in the creative corner.

As UNHCR’s executive partner, the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights has for 12 years now been extending
legal aid to refugees and asylum seekers and assistance and protection throughout the process, from
helping them access Serbian territory and legally representing them before domestic and internal
authorities, to facilitating their access to their economic, social and cultural rights, such as their rights to
education, healthcare and work. We will continue advocating the improvement of the status and
protection of all individuals in need of international protection and their full integration in our community