On 23 December 2022, 16 civil society organizations formed the Network of Civil Society Organizations with the aim of providing comprehensive support to LGBTI refugees, asylum seekers and people on the move – Rainbow Migration Network (RMN).

The network consists of organizations that have significant experience based on providing support services to LGBTI people, that is, support services to refugees, asylum seekers and people on the move. Through the future RMN, members of the network will work to ensure a continuous, comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach in providing support services to LGBTI refugees, asylum seekers and people on the move, advocating for the improvement of their position and needs, as well as full respect for their human rights. The formation of RMN is an activity of the project managed by the BCHR, which is supported by GiZ.

RMN consists of the following organizations:
ALTERO – Asocijacija za lični trening, edukaciju, razvoj i osnaživanje
Asocijacija DUGA
Beogradski centar za ljudska prava
Civil Rights Defenders
Crisis Response and Policy Centre (CRPC)
Da se zna!
Danski savet za izbeglice
Geten, Centar za prava LGBTIKA osoba
Grupa “IZAĐI“
Inicijativa mladih za ljudska prava
Info Park
Međunarodna mreža pomoći I.A.N.
PIN – Psychosocial Innovation Network
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Udruženje građana za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima i svih oblika nasilja „Atina”