This Report on the Right to Asylum in 2020 was prepared by the BCHR legal and integration teams based on their experiences in extending legal aid to asylum seekers and successful asylees. The Report includes an overview and analysis of the application of national asylum law, other regulations relevant to the status of asylum seekers and refugees, and administrative proceedings related to their integration in Serbian society. The health protection measures declared in response to the COVID-19 pandemic substantially limited the fundamental human rights of refugees and migrants in Serbia in 2020. Notably, they had difficulties accessing the asylum procedure and their integration rights, while their freedom of movement was restricted. Public focus on migration and the observed change in narrative led the BCHR to analyse public discourse and public opinion, fake news and widespread hate speech against refugees and migrants. The Right to Asylum in the Republic of Serbia 2020 report has been prepared within the project Support to Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Serbia, aimed at improving refugee protection and access to refugee rights in Serbia.

You can download report here.