Posts By: rade

Beogradski centar za ljudska prava predlaže usvajanje strategije za koordinisano delovanje lokalnih aktera u zaštiti migranata

Nakon sprovedenog istraživanja o potrebama migranata i postojećim uslugama socijalne zaštite na lokalnom nivou Beogradski centar za ljudska prava je sačinio predlog dokumenta koji je nazvan Strategija za koordinisano delovanje lokalnih aktera u zaštiti migranata. Strategija na prvom mestu analizira trenutnu situaciju i nudi strateški predlog čije bi sprovođenje dovelo do koordinisanog i održivog delovanja […]

Pravo na azil u Republici Srbiji – Izveštaj za period jul-septembar 2019

Tim Beogradskog centra za ljudska prava sačinio je 3. periodični izveštaj za period od jula do septembra 2019. godine. Izveštaj tradicionalno analizira pristup postupku azila, praksu organa nadležnih za odlučivanje u postupku azila kroz analizu pojedinih odluka i ostvarivanje prava u oblasti integracije lice kojima je odobren azil u Republici Srbiji. Važno je istaći da […]

Tim Beogradskog centra za ljudska prava učestvovao je na godišnjoj konferenciji Evropskog saveta za izbeglice i prognanike (ECRE)

Tim Beogradskog centra za ljudska prava učestvovao je na godišnjoj konferenciji Evropskog saveta za izbeglice i prognanike (ECRE) čiji je Centar član. Konsultacije su održane u Briselu 23. i 24. oktobra. Tokom konsultacija održana je serija radionica na temu integracije, trenutne situacije na Mediteranu, jačanja desnice i menjanja narativa o migracijama u EU, politikama vraćanja, […]

Educational / social activities:Math classes and activities for girls

Educational / social activities:Math classes and activities for girls Service Provider:InfoPark   Math classes and activities for girls Math classes for girls on Tuesdays and Thursdays (from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. and from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m.) Movies and popcorn for girls and women (Fridays from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.) Additional Information Tell the Info Park [...]

Women’s services: IT workshops

Women's services:IT workshops Service Provider:Psychosocial Innovation Network - PIN IT workshops IT workshops develop technical skills in: Microsoft applications Adobe applications Web development (and more) The workshop is on Thursdays at 2:30 p.m. Additional Information You need to register for the workshops. Call or email to register. Languages Spoken English, Farsi Location Belgrade Address Gospodar Jevremova 48 [...]

Information services:Drop-In Center

Information services:Drop-In Center Service Provider:Serbian Association for Reproductive Health and Rights - SRH Drop-In Center The Serbian Association for Reproductive Health and Rights Drop-In Center offers information and counseling services, including: Psychological counseling and referrals for people dealing with stress, depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, gender-based violence, etc. Psycho-social support activities Educational workshops related to topics: [...]

Women’s services: Art and embroidery workshops for girls and women

Women's services:Art and embroidery workshops for girls and women Service Provider:Psychosocial Innovation Network - PIN   Art and embroidery workshops for girls and women Activities for girls and women are held in small groups: Embroidery workshops (Fridays at 2:00 p.m.) Art workshops (Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m.) You can learn new skills and stress relief. Call or [...]

Women’s services:Activities/support for women and girls

Women's services:Activities/support for women and girls Service Provider:ADRA Activities/support for women and girls The Women's Center is a safe space for women and girls, offering: Legal support Psychological support Vocational training Workshops Recreational activities, including fitness and zumba Child-friendly space Additional Information Send ADRA a message on Facebook or come to the Community Center for more [...]

Educational / social activities:Vocational training for boys and girls

Educational / social activities:Vocational training for boys and girls Service Provider:ADRA Vocational training for boys and girls Vocational trainings for boys and girls who are in Serbia on their own without their parents. Trainings last from 1 to 3 months and teach skills through practical work. After completing the training you will receive an official [...]

Children’s services:Recreational, occupational and sport activities

Children's services:Recreational, occupational and sport activities Service Provider:ADRA Recreational, occupational and sport activities Indoor and outdoor activities such as football, basketball, volleyball, table-football, table-tennis, pool (billiards), etc. Tournaments in football, table tennis, badminton, volleyball, etc. Movie screenings, streaming of live cricket matches, games without limits Karaoke and dance competitions Hip hop for boys Guitar lessons Singing [...]