Posts By: rade
Legal services: Legal assistance and representation for asylum-seekers
Legal services: Legal assistance and representation for asylum-seekers Service Provider: Belgrade Centre for Human Rights - BCHR Belgrade Centre for Human Rights (BCHR) offers: Free legal assistance Information about legal options in Serbia Help with registration Representation for asylum-seekers during the asylum procedure in Serbia Assistance with integration (employment, education, etc.) Services are for people seeking asylum [...]Legal services: Legal aid
Legal aid Service Provider:ADRA Legal counseling about asylum law and rights Legal aid and counseling on individual needs and problems faced while in Serbia Lectures on legal options Additional Information Send ADRA a message on Facebook or come to the Community Center for more information. Languages Spoken Farsi, Pashto, Arabic, Urdu, English, Serbian Visiting hours [...]Women’s services: Activities/support for women and girls
Women's services: Activities/support for women and girls Service Provider:ADRA Activities/support for women and girls The Women's Center is a safe space for women and girls, offering: Legal support Psychological support Vocational training Workshops Recreational activities, including fitness and zumba Child-friendly space Additional Information Send ADRA a message on Facebook or come to the Community Center for more [...]Information services:Support group for asylum-seekers
Information services:Support group for asylum-seekers Service Provider: Psychosocial Innovation Network - PIN Support group for asylum-seekers The support group is an opportunity for asylum-seekers to: Build community support networks Discuss experiences and challenges during the asylum procedure Exchange information, practical advice, and successful ways to address challenges The support group meets once per month. Call or email to register and for more [...]Children’s services: Recreational, occupational and sport activities
Children's services: Recreational, occupational and sport activities Service Provider:ADRA Recreational, occupational and sport activities Indoor and outdoor activities such as football, basketball, volleyball, table-football, table-tennis, pool (billiards), etc. Tournaments in football, table tennis, badminton, volleyball, etc. Movie screenings, streaming of live cricket matches, games without limits Karaoke and dance competitions Hip hop for boys Guitar lessons Singing [...]Sports:Football for children
Sports: Football for children Service Provider:ADRA Football training for children (aged 7 years and older) with a professional football coach. You can sign up for the morning training or the afternoon training. Additional Information Come to the center or send ADRA a private message on Facebook for more information. Languages Spoken Farsi, Pashto, Arabic, Urdu, English, [...]Pravo na azil u Republici Srbiji – Izveštaj za period januar-jun 2019
Beogradski centar za ljudska prava sastavio je periodični izveštaj koji se odnosi na prvu polovinu 2019. godine, analizirajući pravo na pristup postupku azila sa posebnim osvrtom na pristup postupku na beogradskom aerodromu kao i praksu organa nadležnih za odlučivanje u postupku azila kroz analizu pojedinih odluka. Pored toga izveštaj se bavi zaštitom ranjivih grupa u […]
Regionalni sastanak nevladinih organizacija iz jugoistočne Evrope
Beogradski centar za ljudska prava učestvovao je na drugom regionalnom sastanku nevladinih organizacija iz jugoistočne Evrope na Ohridu u period od 27. do 28. juna koji je organizovala MYLA (Macedonian Young Lawyers Association). Učesnice su predstavile trenutnu situaciju u njihovim zemljama u oblasti azila, iregularnih migracija, postupanja policije u graničnim oblastima, sistemu integracije i dr. […]
Centar na konferenciji „Migracije – međunarodnopravna regulacija” Društva za međunarodno pravo Slovenije
Od 27. do 29. juna, bili smo u Portorožu, na regionalnoj konferenciji “Migracije – međunarodnopravna regulacija” u organizaciji Društva za međunarodno pravo Slovenije. Opšta tema konferencije su bile migracije i izbegličko pravo, a konferencija je bila odlična prilika za diskusiju o izazovnim pitanjima kako međunarodnog javnog prava tako i međunarodnog privatnog prava. Konferencija je bila […]
Izbeglička situacija u Srbiji u maju 2019. godine
Prema UNHCR procenama broj izbeglica, tražilaca azila i migranata u Srbiji ostao je nepromenjen i iznosio je oko 3.600 osoba, od čega je 3.000 smešteno u državne centre za azil i prihvatne centre. Najviše osoba smešteno je u prihvatnim centrima u Obrenovcu (778), Adaševcima (290) i Principovcu (234) kao i centru za azil u Krnjači […]