Access to the right to education of migrants in the Republic of Serbia
Children account for a large number of migrants and all of them are entitled to education, regardless of their or their parents’ legal status. Countries across the world, including Serbia, reaffirmed their commitment to this principle by adopting the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, in which they expressed the readiness to facilitate […]

Access to the right to work of migrants in the Republic Of Serbia
Exercise of the right to work, one of the fundamental human rights, is of particular importance to migrants and their status and has implications on the social and economic development of the Republic of Serbia. Countries across the world, including Serbia, reaffirmed their commitment to this principle by adopting the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly […]

2017 CSОs report on Irregular Migration for South-Eastern Europe
USAID’s Migrant and Refugee Human Rights Protection Project implemented by MYLA, prepared a regional report on irregular migration in South East Europe, in order to strengthen regional cooperation among civil society organizations working in the area of asylum and migration. The BCHR authored section on Serbia explaining the definitions, legal framework and policy measures on irregular […]

Access to Asylum and Reception Conditions in the Republic of Serbia
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights and the International Rescue Commitee published a report on the access to asylum procedure in Serbia which also includes the analysis of the reception conditions. The report outlines the situation following the adoption of new legislation on asylum and foreigners and gives a set of recommendations to the Government on […]

Human Rights in Serbia in 2017
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights published its annual report on the state of human rights in Serbia in 2017. Among other topics, report contains an overview of migrant crisis and the rights of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in Serbia over the past year. This publication can be downloaded here.

Closed Borders
This Programme Report on the impact of the borders closures on people on the move, with a focus on Women and Children in Serbia and Macedonia, provides an analysis of the protection concerns that people on the move, especially women and children, face in Macedonia and Serbia following the closure of the Balkan route and […]

A dangerous ‘game’: the pushback of migrants, including refugees, at Europe’s borders
The report A Dangerous ‘Game’ is based on 140 interviews with people on the move, with research conducted by the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights (BCHR) and the Macedonian Young Lawyers Association (MYLA), and support from Oxfam. It exposes a disturbing pattern of brutality and abuse by law enforcement officials against migrants, including children, with […]

The Human Rights of Migrants and Refugees in the Republic of Serbia with special focus on the right to work and the right to education
The purpose of this publication is to provide legal and factual insights into the current state-of-play of the economic, social and cultural rights of migrants and refugees in the Republic of Serbia, and to bring recommendations to advance this area of policy and practice, on a human rights basis. The publication focuses on two human […]