Saliou, a Cameroonian with Brave Heart
21.12.2023. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when we think of refugees? What a hard time they must have had at home, how huge their everyday problems were when they decided to leave everything behind and venture into an unknown and faraway world. At what point they realised that the life they were […]

New ‘Refugees for Refugees’ workshop on labor rights
On Monday, 30 October 2023, the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights (BCHR) integration team held the second workshop on labour rights in Serbia and the importance of business ethics and communication. The session, held within the Refugees for Refugees (R4R) project activity, aimed to rally refugees and asylum seekers who want to join the labour […]

Round table on the topic: “Experts’ opinion as evidence in the asylum procedure”
18..10.2023. On Friday 13 October the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights (BCHR), in cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Office in the Republic of Serbia organised a round table on the topic: “Experts’ opinion as evidence in the asylum procedure”. The purpose of this event was to flag the importance of comprehensive […]

Right to Asylum in the Republic of Serbia Periodic Report for January–June 2023
The Belgrade Center for Human Rights team has compiled a report on the right to asylum in the Republic of Serbia, covering the period from January to end June 2023 which analyses the treatment of the asylum seekers and refugees, based on information the BCHR team obtained during their legal representation in the asylum procedure […]

European Court of Human Rights Finds Serbia Breached the Freedom of Movement of a Syrian Refugee It Had Granted Asylum to
15.7.223. On 11 July 2023, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) published its judgment in the case of S.E. v. Serbia, in which it found that the Republic of Serbia had violated the right to freedom of movement of the applicant, a refugee from Syria it had granted asylum to. The Belgrade Centre for […]

Equality Commissioner Finds Discrimination in Youth Cooperative Case
26.6.2023. The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality (Equality Commissioner) issued an opinion and a recommendation in response to a complaint of discrimination filed by the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights and A11 – the Initiative for Economic and Social Rights. The Commissioner found that a youth cooperative had discriminated against an individual granted refuge […]

How we marked the World Refugee Day #AllTogether
21.6.2023. The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights marked World Refugee Day in 2023, under the slogan #SviZaJedno (#AllTogether), together with our partners, co-workers and clients, wanting to spend the day together in the spirit of tolerance, peace and understanding and draw attention to everything we share and everything that brings us together. At our informal […]

Press Release – World Refugee Day
19 6 2023. On the eve of 20 June – World Refugee Day – the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights alerts to the millions of refugees and internally displaced people across the world and concerning trends indicating that these numbers will unfortunately continue growing. UNHCR data show that 110 million people in the world have […]