Posts By: rade

Zaštita fizičkog i mentalnog zdravlja migranata u Republici Srbiji

Postojeći modeli zaštite su procenjivani kroz participativno istraživanje, čiji su rezultati predstavljeni u ovoj publikaciji. Ova publikacija je nastala u okviru projekta Beogradskog centra za ljudska prava – „Ka održivom modelu zaštite ranjivih kategorija migranata u Srbiji“, koji su podržale Međunarodna organizacija za migracije (IOM) i Vlada Švajcarske.   Cilj projekta Beogradskog centra za ljudska […]

Pravo migranata na socijalnu zaštitu u Republici Srbiji

Dobro organizovane i koordinisane usluge i mere socijalne zaštite koje se pružaju u lokalnoj zajednici u kojoj se nalaze migranti jesu preduslov za unapređenje socijalne zaštite migranata i za njihovu socijalnu uključenost. Države sveta, uključujući Srbiju, potvrdile su svoju privrženost jednakoj socijalnoj zaštiti usvajanjem Globalnog kompakta o sigurnim, uređenim i regularnim migracijama. Tim dokumentom, usvojenim […]

Pristup migranata pravu na obrazovanje u Republici Srbiji

Među migrantima se nalazi veliki broj dece i sva ona imaju pravo na obrazovanje, bez obzira na pravni status ili status njihovih roditelja. Države sveta, uključujući Srbiju, iznova su potvrdile svo ju privrženost ovom principu usvajanjem Globalnog kompakta o sigurnim, uređenim i regularnim migracijama, kojim su izrazile spremnost da olakšaju pristup obrazovanju za decu koja […]

Pristup migranata pravu na rad u Republici Srbiji

Pitanje ostvarivanja prava na rad, kao jednog od osnovnih ljudskih prava, od posebnog je značaja među migrantima u odnosu na njihov status i implikacije na društveni i ekonomski razvoj Republike Srbije. Države sveta, uključujući Srbiju, potvrdile su svoju privrženost olakšavanju pristupa pravu na rad migranata usvajanjem Globalnog kompakta o sigurnim uređenim i regularnim migracijama. Tim […]

Mental health services: Psychological support and counseling

Mental health services: Psychological support and counseling Service Provider: Psychosocial Innovation Network - PIN Psychological support and counseling Psychological support and counseling for children and adults. Contact PIN to schedule a meeting. You can call, email, or send a message on Facebook. Languages Spoken Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Spanish Location Belgrade Address Gospodar Jevremova 48 Address in Local [...]

Mental health services: Psycho-social support and counseling

Mental health services: Psycho-social support and counseling Service Provider: Psychosocial Innovation Network - PIN Psycho-social support and counseling Psychological support and counseling for children and adults Psychological first aid Referrals to specialized services Contact PIN to schedule a meeting. You can call, email, or send a message on Facebook. Languages Spoken Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Spanish Location Belgrade [...]

Health & well-being: Medical assistance

Health & well-being: Medical assistance Service Provider: Médecins Sans Frontières - MSF Medical assistance Out-patient medical consultations Mental health consultations and counseling with psychologists Referrals for further medical management Basic stabilization and dressing of injuries and wounds Provision of treatment for dermatological diseases, such as scabies and body lice Additional Information You do not need to have [...]

Hospital: Hospital

Hospital: Hospital Service Provider: Urgent Care Center Hospital Call 194 for an ambulance and emergency medical services. Location Belgrade Address Pasterova 2 Address in Local Language Пастерова 2 Categories Services Website: directionsBack to services

Legal services: Information and legal aid for asylum-seekers in the North of Serbia

Legal services:Information and legal aid for asylum-seekers in the North of Serbia Service Provider:Humanitarian Center for Integration and Tolerance - HCIT Information and legal aid for asylum-seekers in the North of Serbia Legal assistance for asylum-seekers Documentation of violence and other human rights violations Information about your rights Practical information Counseling Referrals and assistance going to other [...]

Legal services: Information and legal aid for asylum-seekers in the West of Serbia

Legal services:Information and legal aid for asylum-seekers in the West of Serbia Service Provider:Humanitarian Center for Integration and Tolerance - HCIT Information and legal aid for asylum-seekers in the West of Serbia Legal assistance for asylum-seekers Documentation of violence and other human rights violations Information about your rights Practical information Counseling Referrals and assistance going to other [...]