The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights presented its annual report Right to Asylum in the Republic of Serbia in the Belgrade Media Center on Wednesday, 23 February 2022. The Report editor Ana Trifunović said that the data of the Serbian Commissariat for Refugees and Migration showed that over 60,000 people resided in Serbian asylum and […]
Australian Tennis Player Stopped at Belgrade Airport
6.2.2022. Case No. MLG35/2022 Novak Đoković v. the Ministry for Home Affairs, ruled on in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, attracted huge attention of media, politicians, legal experts, as well as laymen. Thanks to the social and traditional media, even those not interested in the case learned about its outcome. Herewith a similar albeit fictional case illustrating how this specific field of law is governed in Serbia.

„Encounters- a short guide on interculturality, acceptance and togetherness“
2.2.2022. A new brochure of the Belgrade Centre for Human rights: „Encounters- a short guide on interculturality, acceptance and togetherness“ provides information on important terms connected to the topic of interculturality and cultural identities. This guide also shares concrete examples and practical guidelines on intercultural communication, acceptance and diversity, solidarity, and allyship. This youth-friendly guide motivates […]

Collection of Papers Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees – Seven Decades of Legal Protection of Refugees
25.1.2022.The BCHR has the honour to present a new publication: Seven Decades of the Legal Protection of Refugees – Collection of Papers Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. The 70th anniversary of the adoption of one of the key international treaties – the Convention Relating to the […]

BCHR Holds Annual Final Event “Challenges in Refugees’ Integration in Serbia, Focusing on (Tertiary) Education”
27.12.2021. On 23 December 2021, the BCHR hosted the final annual event Challenges in Refugees’ Integration Process in Serbia, Focusing on (Tertiary) Education in the Human Rights House. The BCHR has traditionally been holding final events on issues relevant to the integration of refugees in Serbia’s society at the end of the year. The event provided […]

Right to Asylum in the Republic of Serbia Periodic Report for July–September 2021
23.11.2021. The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights (BCHR) team has compiled the report on the right to asylum in the Republic of Serbia, covering the July-September 2021 period. The report analyses the treatment of the asylum seekers and refugees based on the information the BCHR team obtained during their legal representation in the asylum procedure […]

Refugees Helping Refugees
12.11.2021. Refugees for Refugees (R4R) is a pilot project activity the BCHR has been implementing since April 2021 within the Support to Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Serbia project, in executive partnership with the UNHCR Office in Serbia. R4R was designed to provide vulnerable categories, such as refugees and asylum seekers, with additional assistance and […]

Right to Asylum in the Republic of Serbia – Periodic Report for January–June 2021
Periodic Report has been prepared by the legal and integration team of the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights’s Asylum and Migration programme. The Report analyses the treatment of the asylum seekers and refugees in Serbia in the first six months of 2021, based on information the BCHR team obtained during their legal representation in the […]