We continuously monitor the state of affairs both in the countries where the asylum-seekers come from and in Serbia. All of our findings and reports are available at the Centre’s webpage at www.azil.rs

As a partner of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights has, since 2012, provided asylum-seekers in Serbia with free legal aid: they are explained their rights and obligations and represented before the proper authorities in Serbia and the European Court of Human Rights.

Highlights of the Presentation of BCHR’s Right to Asylum in the Republic of Serbia 2022 Annual Report at the Belgrade Media Centre
1.3.2023.The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights (BCHR) presented its annual report Right to Asylum in the Republic of Serbia 2022 at a press conference in the Belgrade Media Centre on 28 February. The report was presented by UNHCR Representative in Serbia Soufiane Adjali, BCHR Executive Director Sonja Tošković, BCHR Asylum and Migration Programme Coordinator Anja […]

Ahmed from Medak
23.1.2023.Ahmed’s story in the RS began in 2014, when he and his family – his father, two brothers and two sisters – came to Niš so that their father could complete his graduate studies. Ahmed was 16 when he left his hometown of Baghdad in Iraq and substituted Asia with the Balkans. When he looks […]

Rainbow Migration Network (RMN)
On 23 December 2022, 16 civil society organizations formed the Network of Civil Society Organizations with the aim of providing comprehensive support to LGBTI refugees, asylum seekers and people on the move – Rainbow Migration Network (RMN). The network consists of organizations that have significant experience based on providing support services to LGBTI people, that […]

BCHR Holds Year-End Integration-Related Event “Access to High Education and Cooperation with Socially Responsible Companies as Examples of Good Practices of Refugee Integration in Serbia”
26.12.2022. The Belgrade Centre of Human Rights (BCHR) has been traditionally organising year-end events of relevance to the integration of refugees in Serbia since 2016. This year’s event provided an opportunity to launch a discussion on issues of refugee integration in the Republic of Serbia, share experiences and successful practices and map the current problems […]

Belgrade Youth Cooperative Discriminated against Refugee
25.11.2022.In response to a complaint filed by the Belgrade Centre of Human Rights, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality issued an opinion finding the Belgrade-based Youth Cooperative Bulevar in violation of Article 8 in conjunction with Article 16 of the Serbian Anti-Discrimination Act, because it refused to accept as its member a minor granted […]
As a partner of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights has, since 2012, provided asylum-seekers in Serbia with free legal aid: they are explained their rights and obligations and represented before the proper authorities in Serbia and the European Court of Human Rights.
We continuously monitor the state of affairs both in the countries where the asylum-seekers come from and in Serbia. All of our findings and reports are available at the Centre’s webpage at www.azil.rs